
JZN Brand Website / 舊振南餅店購物車、品牌形象互動網站設計規劃

Throughout our brand image re-making process of layout, packaging, videos and now website, we focused on two key topics. First is the positioning of the brand as not only a pastry maker, but an artisan that can represent Taiwan in this regards, making art works. Second is how to interact with the consumers, and how to make their experience a pleasant one. With these two aims, we present you the JZN Brand and Online-Store websites.



Tainan Cultural Center's 25th Anniversary Invitation/Ticket Design 台南市立文化中心25週年紀念票/邀請卡設計

G-idea is very happy for the opportunity to design the special ticket/invitation card which commemorative the 25th anniversary of the Tainan Municipal Cultural Center. Instead of looking back at the last 25 years, director Chen wanted us to begin at year 25 to look at the next 25 year, hence the theme for the 25th celebration : Transformation and Imagination. So we picked white, using a new material called Rock Paper (paper made with rock, entirely without paper) as our beginning point to create a clean slate for the new possibilities ahead. In case if you haven't guessed, the PVC piece, which is cut in the shape of the center's building is the special ticket that gets you into the celebration.



R+ Health Packaging Design / 瑞特益包裝設計

For the new R+ packaging design, we wanted to bring a certain freshness to the field of health products design. With Chihsin's (our partner) blessings, I think we created a fairly modern and clean look which targets the upper part of the market.



JZN Hand Work Ad / 舊振南手功形象廣告

G-idea is happy to announce that the JZN Hand Work Ad has been completed, after numerous revisions, we are finally able to showcase this work, thanks to the Ten Drum Art Percussion Group and Master Chen Ming-The for collaborating with us on this project, and for JZN team's support and hard work.



2009 Tainan Holland Days TV Commercial 府城荷蘭日 電視CF廣告

G-idea is happy to be involved with the Tainan Holland Days for the third time, the footage used in the commercial was from last year's event, this year's event is the biggest one yet! Hope to see you there!



Dutch Design Taiwan 2009 荷蘭影像設計展

G-idea is very honored to collaborated with NTIO (Netherlands Trade and Investments Office in Taiwan) for the Taiwan Dutch Design 2009 exhibition. Showcasing the work of 18 Dutch Designers including: ArchitectenConsort, Atelier Ted Noten, Daniel Saakes, Droog, GRO, Hektik.cc, Hella Jongerius, Maarten Baas, Mecanoo Architecten, Miffy, Moooi, MVRDV, Philips, Princess, Smool, Studio Joost van Bleiswijk, Studio Kiki van Eijk, Tjep., Vlieger & Vandam. G-idea is responsible for the visuals of the exhibition, as well as the exhibition space design, and the exhibition catalogue, exhibition video and exhibition post card set. As always, the NTIO team is a pleasure to work with and we are grateful for this opportunity!

好點子很榮幸可以為荷蘭在台辦事處(NTIO)所主辦的「荷蘭設計影像展」進行設計與執行。展出作品共有18個荷蘭的設計公司和品牌,領域涵蓋工業、產品、時裝及建築設計,其中包含許多已成功進軍台灣市場的荷蘭設計品牌作品,如ArchitectenConsort, Atelier Ted Noten, Daniel Saakes, Droog, GRO, Hektik.cc, Hella Jongerius, Maarten Baas, Mecanoo Architecten, Miffy, Moooi, MVRDV, Philips, Princess, Smool, Studio Joost van Bleiswijk, Studio Kiki van Eijk, Tjep., Vlieger & Vandam等。好點子很感謝NTIO給我們這個機會以及過程當中所有的支持以及協助,真是一個相當愉快的合作經驗,外國人做事方式就是有些地方很不一樣,很值得我們學習的!

Exhibition Catalogue PDF viewer 展覽目錄手冊PDF瀏覽程式


JZN 2009 Moon Festival Catalogue 舊振南2009中秋節目錄

G-idea is happy to complete our second Moon Festival Catalogue for JZN. Over our year and a half collaboration with JZN, we have continued to search for, and establish the brand's visual identity. We think that with the Moon Festival 09, we have taken one more step towards defining it. We wanted the catalogue to be a book like experience, letting the reader interact with the beauty, artistry as well as the deliciousness of JZN's traditional pastries. The catalogue features a pull-out poster page (in the center), that let's the viewer see all the flavors of this year's moon cake line up, and doubles to highlight the theme this year: United (with our family) we are strong. The cover features the classic JZN green bean cake, which double as our moon to help us create our theme. Our thanks as always to the JZN team for their support, encouragements and valued inputs throughout the creation process.

好點子很高興今年可以第二次為舊振南設計中秋節目錄,與舊振南合作一年多以來,我們不斷與舊振南團隊一同尋找、嘗試創造、定位出舊振南的品牌視覺風格,我們覺得透過這次的作品,又近一步接近了我們的目標。設計今年中秋目錄時,我們嘗試創造一出個故事般的平台,與使用者互動,透過一頁一頁的翻閱,帶著讀者進入舊振南的品牌世界,呈現出舊振南高貴、藝術般及美味的餅藝。目錄的最中間還有個外拉式海報,上面展示出今年所有月餅的口味(內餡) ,這些排列的月餅同時也帶出了今年的主題:月滿人園。封面圓圓的月亮則是用舊振南的經典產品綠豆椪所作的,在黑暗的夜晚中亮亮照射,希望帶給大家溫暖以及鼓勵。再一次要大大的感謝舊振南團隊,在過程當中給予我們所有的支持、鼓勵,以及寶貴的意見。


Univacco Metallic Foil Color Guide Design 岱稜科技燙金膜色票設計製作

G-idea has recently completed the design of Univacco's new metallic foil guide. During the design phase, we first tried to communicate Univacco's global stature (they are the third largest foil guide producer in the world) by giving the color guide a very elegant yet simple cover. Next as frequent color guide users ourselves, we concentrated on the user experience, for ease of use and engagement. We're very happy for this opportunity to work with Univacco from conception to production their new metallic foil guide, which was a fun new experience for us.

好點子為 Univacco 岱稜科技設計新版的燙金膜色,在設計的時候,我們試著在整體的視覺形象上更加溝通出 Univacco 岱稜科技的國際性(岱稜科技是世界第三大的燙金膜廠商),同時因為我們也常常使用色票,所以在使用者的使用便利性,以及使用經驗上也做了許多的思考與討論。很高興從概念的製作,有機會可以與Univacco的團隊一起努力,也帶給我們許多新的經驗!



Created for Jiu Zhen Nan (est. 1890), one of the oldest and most beloved traditional pastry brand in Taiwan as a lunar new year gift box.

Inspired by candy trays found in almost all Chinese homes, which holds an assortment of candies and cookies for visiting family and friends.

We wanted to create an unique "opening" experience, where the user sees a wonderful world of treats revealed upon opening, and also make the process as "ready to eat" as possible.

The Four Black Boxes also represent the four seasons, and the Gold boxes in the middle represent the rising sun, which signal a grand beginning to the new year, hence the name "Again, New Beginning"





好點子為 Hawana 設計的品牌產品視覺

This year, G-idea began the brand re-conception process for Hawana, throughout a long discussion and design phase, looking into the brand's characteristics and local audience perception, we're happy to finally come up with the brand visual communication images for this year. Communicating on the lifestyle experiences and journey one can have in Hawana's products.

從今年開始,好點子開始為Hawana品牌重新的設計視覺溝通,透過很長的設計、討論過程,考慮到 Hawana的品牌特性,以及當地消費者的接受性,好點子很高興Hawana的新品牌視覺終於完成,溝通出Hawana產品的「生活功能」以及使用者可以如何與Hawana走出不同的人生旅程!


Ascle Solution-B 產品包裝設計



統一 美研社 試喝活動相關視覺設計



綺麗健康油 新包裝設計






好點子為統一企業公司 設計徵才DM








1. 採用「玖O」來取代一般較傳統羅馬數字的呈現手法,來帶出中國感。
4. 「玖」看起來有點像「玩」字的外型,象徵閱讀是一個相當愉快的過程。


90週年活動大布條 延伸設計

活動布條 貼上圖書館外牆
