G-idea is happy to complete our second Moon Festival Catalogue for JZN. Over our year and a half collaboration with JZN, we have continued to search for, and establish the brand's visual identity. We think that with the Moon Festival 09, we have taken one more step towards defining it. We wanted the catalogue to be a book like experience, letting the reader interact with the beauty, artistry as well as the deliciousness of JZN's traditional pastries. The catalogue features a pull-out poster page (in the center), that let's the viewer see all the flavors of this year's moon cake line up, and doubles to highlight the theme this year: United (with our family) we are strong. The cover features the classic JZN green bean cake, which double as our moon to help us create our theme. Our thanks as always to the JZN team for their support, encouragements and valued inputs throughout the creation process.
好點子很高興今年可以第二次為舊振南設計中秋節目錄,與舊振南合作一年多以來,我們不斷與舊振南團隊一同尋找、嘗試創造、定位出舊振南的品牌視覺風格,我們覺得透過這次的作品,又近一步接近了我們的目標。設計今年中秋目錄時,我們嘗試創造一出個故事般的平台,與使用者互動,透過一頁一頁的翻閱,帶著讀者進入舊振南的品牌世界,呈現出舊振南高貴、藝術般及美味的餅藝。目錄的最中間還有個外拉式海報,上面展示出今年所有月餅的口味(內餡) ,這些排列的月餅同時也帶出了今年的主題:月滿人園。封面圓圓的月亮則是用舊振南的經典產品綠豆椪所作的,在黑暗的夜晚中亮亮照射,希望帶給大家溫暖以及鼓勵。再一次要大大的感謝舊振南團隊,在過程當中給予我們所有的支持、鼓勵,以及寶貴的意見。