
JZN Brand Website / 舊振南餅店購物車、品牌形象互動網站設計規劃

Throughout our brand image re-making process of layout, packaging, videos and now website, we focused on two key topics. First is the positioning of the brand as not only a pastry maker, but an artisan that can represent Taiwan in this regards, making art works. Second is how to interact with the consumers, and how to make their experience a pleasant one. With these two aims, we present you the JZN Brand and Online-Store websites.



Tainan Cultural Center's 25th Anniversary Invitation/Ticket Design 台南市立文化中心25週年紀念票/邀請卡設計

G-idea is very happy for the opportunity to design the special ticket/invitation card which commemorative the 25th anniversary of the Tainan Municipal Cultural Center. Instead of looking back at the last 25 years, director Chen wanted us to begin at year 25 to look at the next 25 year, hence the theme for the 25th celebration : Transformation and Imagination. So we picked white, using a new material called Rock Paper (paper made with rock, entirely without paper) as our beginning point to create a clean slate for the new possibilities ahead. In case if you haven't guessed, the PVC piece, which is cut in the shape of the center's building is the special ticket that gets you into the celebration.



R+ Health Packaging Design / 瑞特益包裝設計

For the new R+ packaging design, we wanted to bring a certain freshness to the field of health products design. With Chihsin's (our partner) blessings, I think we created a fairly modern and clean look which targets the upper part of the market.
