
GIDEA wins 3 iF Packaging Award 好點子榮獲三個德國iF包裝設計獎

GIDEA is very pleased to share that we have won 3 iF Packaging Award this year, the winning works are: Matthew's Choice Product Packaging Series for Matthew's Choice, PinkLady for KMC Chain Industries and Liouguei Soap for the Liouguei Morakot relief project. We are also very happy that out of the 59 designs to receive iF packaging Award distinctions worldwide, GIDEA has won more than 5% of total awards this year.


Matthew's Choice / 馬修嚴選整體包裝設計

KMC PinkLady 桂盟鍊條PinkLady禮盒設計

Liouguei Soap / 六龜手感皂禮盒


Univacco OP Product Catalogue

GIDEA GROUP is happy to continue our collaboration with Univacco Technology's wonderful marketing team on designing the new product catalogue for Univacco's OP products. Responding to the eco and green trends in the business world, the simple design and choice of materials signifies Univacco's conviction of returning to the basic, simple roots of life to search for the right timeless answers and solutions in an ever evolving and changing world. Special thanks goes out to Vivi and Lynn for supporting our vision for this design.

好點子團隊很高興能夠再一次和岱稜科技優秀的營銷團隊合作,一起為OP產品設計全新的產品型錄。為了響應環保與綠色趨勢,我們透過簡單的設計與素材來表達岱棱讓生活回歸純粹原點的信念,在這個不斷發展變遷的世界之中尋覓永恆不變的解答。 在此特別感謝Vivi和Lynn的支持,讓我們寄託在這項作品上的願景得以實現。


2011 SIraya New Year's Card Design

GIDEA GROUP was asked by Siraya National Scenic Area once again to design it's 2011 Chinese New Year's Cards, after the warm reception of last year cards, in which so many called the director of Siraya to praise and congratulate the wonderful design, GIDEA GROUP felt a some pressure to up our game, and create an even more intensified card for the receiver to experience. After opening the card literally "pops" up like the soaring water in Siraya's logo (also designed by GIDEA GROUP) and once you open it, the repeating waves can stand on it's own as decoration, communicating Siraya's Holding Hand (which the logo also signifies) vision where people of all colors and creed work together for the better.



Uni-President HR Recruitment DM

GIDEA GROUP is designing the HR Recruitment for Uni-President for the fourth year in a row, in this four year span there have been 2 major design and three revision and updates. As always, it's great to be working with the super friendly and professional HR department of Uni-President.



Secret Care Design Makeover

GIDEA GROUP was asked by Uni-President to re-design and update the Secret Care logo as well as overall visual feeling to the brand. In the process GIDEA not only updated the logo (more simple, elegant), floral/female illustrations (modern and hip), we also tweaked the pink color to a color (our survey studies showed) that the product's female only TA are more responsive towards. GIDEA is happy to hear from Uni-President that the new design is well received by most and have upgraded the overall quality and feel of this brand.
