The limited edition Pink Lady packaging is a Pink Ribbon product, so our concept was very simple, why not use the pink chain, and turn it into a pink ribbon, using this concept we branched out into the structure and user experience analysis and created this modern looking gift box design for KMC Chain.
Pink Lady 是桂盟鍊條所推出的Pink Ribbon(粉紅色絲帶)慈善概念腳踏車鍊條商品,也因為是這樣,我們所採取的設計概念非常的簡單,將粉紅色的鍊條變成粉紅色絲帶的形狀,清楚簡單的溝通出所包裝的產品以及這個特殊禮盒包裝的主題。也是透過這個包裝,讓我們有機會可以首次與桂盟相當有朝氣與活潑的行銷團隊合作。