
好點子為 Hawana 設計的品牌產品視覺

This year, G-idea began the brand re-conception process for Hawana, throughout a long discussion and design phase, looking into the brand's characteristics and local audience perception, we're happy to finally come up with the brand visual communication images for this year. Communicating on the lifestyle experiences and journey one can have in Hawana's products.

從今年開始,好點子開始為Hawana品牌重新的設計視覺溝通,透過很長的設計、討論過程,考慮到 Hawana的品牌特性,以及當地消費者的接受性,好點子很高興Hawana的新品牌視覺終於完成,溝通出Hawana產品的「生活功能」以及使用者可以如何與Hawana走出不同的人生旅程!
