
Liouguei Soap Project 六龜手感皂行銷包裝計畫


G-idea is very happy to unveil the results of our typhoon Morakot relief assistance project Liouguei Soap. From the choice of soap type, to the branding of the project using "hands", as the women of Liouguei uses their hands to collect fruit before, and now use it to make hand-made soap. As Chinese believe with palm reading that our hand documents our life, and tells our story. In a way, we wanted the project to speak of their personal struggle and triumphs, as they continue to toil hard and work even amidst the hardest circumstances. We are very grateful for the trust and encouragement of the NCKU (National Cheng Kung University) team who fought with us, and went the extra mile to help us protect our creation. This is one of our efforts which we are all very proud of, in it's purpose and result!

好點子很高興終於可以與大家分享我們六龜手感皂的作品,我們盡一點點力量協助六龜八八水災後重建所作的計畫,從協助選擇製造的皂形,到整個產品、想法的概念,包裝、影片,我們選擇使用“手”來作為這個產品、故事的傳達主軸,因為水災前,六龜的婦女是用他們的雙手來採蓮霧,幫家裡帶來多一份的收入,但是水災後,許多蓮霧圓都沒有了,所以現在他們開始製作手工肥皂,過程雖然很辛苦,因為需要重新學習新的技術,但是他們還是勇敢面對人生的挑戰。手同時其實也記載著我們的故事,因為年紀、工作,在手上所留下的痕跡、記錄都是不同的。我們在參與這個專案時,被許多人的生命力,以及努力而被感動,很高興可以參與這個很有意義的專案,讓我們覺得我們所作的,也可以帶來一些不同與改變,也很謝謝成功大學負責這個專案的團隊(Ivan and Aries)所給我們信任與支持,謝謝您們為我們堅持好點子的設計與創意。對這個作品的目的與結果都感到很驕傲!也教了許多好的新朋友!
